Strategic planning refers to the cohesive focus on  goals, strategies and actions by all stakeholders in a given endeavor.  Tradecom has worked with suppliers, distributors and end users to effect  win-win transactions for all parties. By paying attention to each step  in the process we can identify and mitigate potential challenges  before  they become an issue for the entire process.


Risk is an ever present part of doing business.  Despite proper  planning, sometimes things just don’t go according to plan.  When this  happens, it is essential to have a plan to lessen the downside while  taking advantage of any opportunities that may also arise.  We have over  30 years of experience in managing risk in the Caribbean and we have  found that our knowledge and experience along with strong personal  relationships has always served us well. 


With each new opportunity comes the need to analyze all the moving parts  that go into making it a reality.  The truth is that no two places are  the same and what might work in one country may not be ideal for  another. We carefully weigh all the factors and only give a green light  when the project makes sense for all involved.  Making the mistake of  ignoring this step can create unintended losses. 


Through our many years of experience in the region, we have developed a  set of principles that work well. Slight variations depending on  customer or country allow us to quickly adapt tried and true formulas to  work in a variety of situations. This works. What doesn’t work is  making it up as you go along.  Be mindful not to make this step  optional.   


We never take this step for granted. In many of the markets we serve, business is still done the “old fashioned” way, with a handshake and your word.  Some countries are small and the key players often know each other; in this environment, doing the right thing doesn’t just make you feel good, it’s required. We build relationships not just to make friends but to keep customers.


Sometimes it’s as simple as staying in touch. We make it a practice to speak regularly with brand managers, merchandisers, sales reps and managers.  Sometimes these informal discussions unveil small issues before they become big problems. Our customers appreciate our proactive approach and our supply partners clearly see the value of not having to deal with this themselves.